Music as the powerful tool for healing Interview with Dani Bedoni

Get ready to feel the healing power of music!๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŽต 

In my latest podcast episode, I interview Dani Bedoni on how music has been recognized as a powerful tool for healing, both physically and emotionally.๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐ŸŽถ 

We discuss how different genres and styles of music can be used to target specific therapeutic outcomes or address particular conditions. Tune in to learn how you can use music as a tool for self-care and healing.

๐ŸŽง And if you're in New York, don't miss out on Opera Italiana in the air at Central Park on June 26!๐Ÿ—ฝโค๏ธ 

Meet Dani

Dani Bedoni is a Life Coach, Musician and Business woman with professional experience committed to helping people achieve their goals.

She offers a unique system using transferable skills from music in the art and science of change, reinvention and success in the areas of health, wealth and love relationships.

For almost 30 years, she has coached in Spanish and English; children and adults, companies and individuals, in the Latino, American and European communities.

Dani is known as Coach B.

She is based in New York City and Colorado.

Is available to coach in person and online.

Gmail:  [email protected]



Producer and Artistic Director for programs that inspire and heal people through

Last Weekโ€™s Episode: How music can be the source of inspiration to create content


How to Speak to your Potential Client on Social Media & beyond Guide & workbook- Are you looking to speak to your potential clients in a more personal way?

Do you want to know what topics they are interested in?

Are you tired of rehashing the same old content?

If so, then this product is for you! Youโ€™ll get 16 questions to uncover whatโ€™s the emotional behavior of your ideal audience. Each of these answers will serve you as an original piece of content and topics on how to speak to your potential clients and connect with them on a deeper level. Plus these Bonuses

Bonus #1  15 Instagram Reel Covers with unique messaging prompts , These reel covers make it easy to stay on brand and keep your feed beautiful and cohesive, but also they provide the right Hooks to capture your audience's attention in a matter of seconds. Editable in Canva 

Bonus #2 The Social Hooks % CTA . Grab the attention of your audience with these 46 hooks and 25 ctas prompts!

How to Speak to your Potential Client on Social Media & beyond Guide & workbook


WE NEED YOUR HELP SPREADING THE WORD: ***If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it on Instagram Stories and tagging me @veronicadipolo 

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