Marketing trends to watch out for in May with Paula from Land it

What are the most significant marketing trends to watch out for in May in terms of advertising, social media, and brand building?

💥New launch of Bluesky - Rival app to Twitter

💥IG new app Barcelona

💥New ChatGPT plugins & How big brands are using GPT-4

💥Branding controversies 

💥Facebook Ads system errors

💥Social media new features (twitter, BeReal, Tiktok, YouTube, and Instagram)

💥The # 1 tip when it comes to branding to help business owners grow your business this month.

Grab your 🎧 or watch Marketing trends to watch out for in May with Paula from Land it @landitbranding. on my youtube channel or on Spotify!! 


Free Social Media Hooks & CTA’S  - 

Grab the attention of your audience with these 46 hooks and 25 ctas prompts! 

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