How to write effective hooks and CTA

Most service business owners get overwhelmed with how you should Hook your potential clients  on social media…

I get it, especially if you only have 2 -5 seconds to grab their attention.

In this week’s episode I’m showing you How to Write Effective Hooks and CTA Plus I’m giving you my Free 46 Hooks & 25 CTA’s prompts which you can download immediately. 

Inside the episode you’ll know:

  • The ingredients to create an effective hook
  • The second Hook you must incorporate into your captions
  • The 4 different Call To Actions you must have

🎧  Listen to “How to write effective hooks and CTA


FREE HOOKS & CALL TO ACTIONS GUIDE & PROMPTS - Grab these Social Media Hooks & CTA prompts strategically designed to connect on a deeper level & give them clear call to act to take action. 

WE NEED YOUR HELP SPREADING THE WORD: ***If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it on Instagram Stories and tagging me @veronicadipolo 

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