How to differentiate your real estate business Interview with Enrique Urdaneta

I have a secret passion for Real Estate, and today I sat with my good friend Enrique Urdaneta from @EVULuxuryHomes for the most entertaining interview 🔥 “How to differentiate your real estate business Interview Enrique Urdaneta 🎙️

Inside this episode we’ll talk about:


  • What are the strategies you use to market your business effectively?
  • What are some common mistakes made by sellers when marketing their property? 
  • How do you differentiate yourself from other real estate agents in the market? 


Met Enrique, He's been a real estate agent since 2014, however, his career and experience in real estate began much earlier as his family has been investing in real estate for more than 100 years. Enrique’s unique expertise as a Marketer has led him to be in the forefront, searching and offering the best real estate investment opportunities to foreign investors that want to buy property in Florida, USA. 

You can find Enrique Urdaneta:

Email: [email protected]

WhatsApp + 1 (305) 209-6418 

🎧 You can also tune in to my youtube channel and watch the entire Video podcast!


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WE NEED YOUR HELP SPREADING THE WORD: ***If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it on Instagram Stories and tagging me @veronicadipolo 

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