How to scale your business with digital products with Paula from Land it

More income doesn’t hurt anyone, right? See more of V's Digital Products on Etsy or go to V's Shop

Well, then Digital Products are the next best thing. Not only do they give you extra cash, but also if you do them right and with a strategy behind you can really help your ideal potential client. 

In this week’s podcast episode, we’ll be talking about How to scale your business with digital products with Paula from Land it. We’ll talk about where you should sell your Digital Products, how to promote them, and so much more. 

See more of V's Digital Products on Etsy or go to V's Shop

Paula is the CEO and Creative Design Director at Land it, a creative agency with the objective to craft an impactful branding and a robust social media presence. Their philosophy is to implement strategy in every step of the business journey, from start to finish. They’ve worked with clients such as: Contra, Tango, Bottle, AdaptoHeal & me

She specializes in branding and social media as a strategist and designer, who’s worked with over 25 brands and has +4 years of experience. She’s very passionate about what she does, the clients she works with, and establishing connections with people.

Here’s her portfolio:

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Start building your pipeline of leads with my elegant Lead Magnet Template design and get insights on how other business owners actually do to succeed online to get qualified leads. 

WE NEED YOUR HELP SPREADING THE WORD: ***If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it on Instagram Stories and tagging me @veronicadipolo 

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