5 steps to turn your voice into your superpower

Your voice is your superpower… and we all have one…

You don't need permission to speak, you don't have a subscription, you don't need to be certified or have that special thing… 

This is something you already have since you were born, and if you think of your voice in general you’ve been using that voice when you meet new people, and you introduce yourself… 

So, grab your headsets, press play! 

And Let’s find those key five steps to turn your voice into your superpower to grow your business and confidence.

This episode is sponsored by your Your Freebie of Freebies

Give your know-how for free in a download

Your email database is such an incredibly powerful resource as a business owner, one that surpasses social media or any other efforts you make online. 

An effective freebie is a HUGE part of your email building efforts. 

Now—how do you know what kind of freebie to create? In this quick guide, I walk  you through 3 types of highly engaging freebies. 

Go through them one by one and decide which option is right for you, your audience, and your business overall goals.

You can download your Freebie of freebies right now on veronicadipolo.com/25 or follow the link here in the description 

Names & Links mentioned in this episode:


  • 3 freebies of freebies ( give your know-how for free in a download)


  • Know your Ideal Client Worksheet 



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The Branding Momentum Podcast gives you actionable, step by step strategies to help you build your brand. I’ll show you how to create a community, give your clients what they want, promote your business and use your know-how effectively

If you want to achieve the freedom of having your own successful business, then this podcast is for you.

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